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Surprise! Season Six is here!
I'm quietly quite stoked to tell you that season six of the House of Boom, which I am calling Happiness, Slowly is now available to you to buy! Or at least some of it is. You see, this season is a grower, not a shower. Like everything I'm doing after having COVID, it's a season that moves very slowly. A slow return to happiness after the devastating death of a community leader. A slow return to fat liberation and the joy of community after faltering about my purpose. A slow release of clothes for this collection not all at once but gradually...
Christmas from Boom
Yes, that time of year is coming up again. But hey, at least you can get some gifts from your favourite ethical clothing store - and maybe buy yourself something nice while you're at it too? Here's some gift suggestions from me. Your lover(s) They deserve the very best, so get them an ANJI robe ($199). I never refer to Boom as being "women's clothing" (except in the SEO) cos I want anyone to be able to wear my clothes, and I think even the most masculine person would be very happy in the teal linen. And you'll be very happy taking it...
It's Boom's third birthday, how did that happen?
Three years ago when I very nervously pushed the publish button on the House of Boom website, I don't think I could have had any idea of the roller coasters that I was in for. The tears! The laughter! The people I'd meet! The mistakes I'd make! The number of times my heart would be full of love! The money we'd raise for InsideOUT! The swims and Camp! EVERYTHING HAPPENS SO MUCH! So here we are.Of course, not everyone is having such a great time. Thank you so much to everyone in Auckland who remains locked down to protect the...
Yay art!
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