It's Boom's third birthday, how did that happen?
Three years ago when I very nervously pushed the publish button on the House of Boom website, I don't think I could have had any idea of the roller coasters that I was in for. The tears! The laughter! The people I'd meet! The mistakes I'd make! The number of times my heart would be full of love! The money we'd raise for InsideOUT! The swims and Camp! EVERYTHING HAPPENS SO MUCH! So here we are.
Of course, not everyone is having such a great time. Thank you so much to everyone in Auckland who remains locked down to protect the rest of the country. You people are aces. And that's why you get free shipping on any orders until you move to Level 2. Just use the code AUCKLAND at checkout. Oh, and I'll even write TWO jokes on your order forms to keep you sustained. You're welcome.
But back to Boom's birthday! From now until Sunday, buy three or more items from Boom and you'll automatically get a 33% discount. This doesn't apply to the Fanny Adams undies or Camp tickets because there is basically no margin on those, and also it doesn't apply to the gorgeous art by Dimmie cos I sell that on her behalf. But! Speaking of Fanny Adams, I've restocked all sizes and patterns, so maybe that's what you're after?