clothes swap RSS

camp, camp boom, clothes swap, fat liberation, fat swim, store news -

Tl:dr: I’m closing the House of Boom. I hope to have everything absolutely done in November after Camp.  So. It’s taken me a week to actually sit down to write this, because I don’t want to write this, but at the same time, I need to. You’ve probably heard me say before that I had been thinking of giving up on Boom when Cat died and I realised I needed to do it even more. Or that I wanted to wrap up last year but Camp was so great that I decided to keep going. But it’s time now. This...

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clothes swap -

Size 24+ babes, come and refresh your wardrobe. I've become the caretaker for the amazing taonga that is Cat Pausé's wardrobe, and we'd love her clothes to go to great homes in the fat community. There are A LOT of her clothes, they're gorgeous and all in amazing condition, and most are a size 30+, so if you are too, you're especially welcome. My house is small, and there is so much of her clothing that I'm limiting this swap to those who are a size 24+. This is not the kind of clothing swap where you'll come away with...

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