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dresses, skirts, store news -

Hello! Happy New Year! I've spent the 'holidays' working on House of Boom and Season Two - It's Wild! - is currently being cut out and sewn as we speak. Exciting! But before that comes along, probably in February, I've done a bit of house-keeping! First up, I now offer lay-buy. This is because people have asked for Afterpay, but that would cost me 5% of each transaction and I just don't have the sort of margins that allow that. Hopefully this will be helpful for you - you can read more about how it works right here. Full disclosure: it will...

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dresses, skirts, store news, t-shirts -

Today I'd like to give you a guided tour of the House of Boom clothing range that will go on sale at the pop-up on December 15 & 16, and online from December 16. This is the first range of clothing I have ever designed, so it's pretty scary to share my babies with the world. I hope there's something in there that you like.  The BOOM t-shirt The TIARE skirt The DEMELZA dress The KINI dress The BOOM t-shirt There were a number of reasons why I was motivated to do a t-shirt, and some grand plans that didn't work...

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It's finally happening and the House of Boom label plus size clothes in sizes 16-30 will be on sale!This pop-up event means you'll get to try on everything so you can get familiar with our fit. Clothes are cotton, ethically made right here in Wellington, and everything (but the t-shirts) has pockets. Wahoo!Along with the House of Boom label, there'll also be Reboomed clothes - carefully chosen second-hand plus size clothing that's more affordable and gives an extra life to fast fashion. And of course there'll also be all the great jewellery and knickers you can already purchase on the...

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I'm still waiting for the clothes. The clothes are coming. Honest they are. I need to remind myself that House of Boom has only been in existence for two months and that things can't happen overnight, alas.  But in the meantime, there's jewellery from Fancy Lady Industries! There's necklaces from Twigg! There's underpants from Fanny Adams! Yay! The shop is now open. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date with all the updates. 

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dresses, fabrics, production, skirts, store news, t-shirts -

House of Boom is a clothing store, and yet there are no clothes listed. YET. What goes on? 

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