In New Zealand Woman's Weekly

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In New Zealand Woman's Weekly

I had a great chat to Julie Jacobson from New Zealand Woman's Weekly about all things Boom. There were a few weird sub editing things in the piece - like that they put "fat" in quotation marks, and that I was called Joanne in one place, and I felt it odd that they didn't mention that the youth charity I work with is for queer youth (although there is nothing subtle about all the rainbows I'm wearing) and I wish I hadn't let the photographer put me in pony tails with ribbon bows cos that's not me, but, y'know, learning curve. 

Getting to do a photoshoot with an actual makeup artist when the only thing I had to do was pose was so different to shoots for Boom with my Boomettes, where I'm also dressing & accessorising six other women, make sure everyone has plenty to eat and drink, directing poses, freaking out about seeing my clothes on people for the first time and just generally stressing!

You can read the piece online here 

1 comment

  • bfyxcfmpeh

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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